There are many benefits to belonging to our Sunman IN Chapter of Catholic Schoolhouse!

By offering a program for all ages of children, we are promoting family cohesiveness. We have an amazing Fine Arts program, in which our students are exposed to art history and biographical information about the art masters as well as hands-on practice of multiple art techniques. The interactive Science program offers activities and experiments for the Grammar through Dialectic levels. Students also expand their presentation capabilities with class presentations 12 times a year and large group presentations twice a year. We also have the Super Scholar and Truth, Goodness, and Beauty incentives for those who would like to be inspired to mastery of the memory work and be rewarded for their achievement.

Families have access to many resources and memory tools throughout the year, including our Retreat in July and the fabulous CSH Blog. Exclusively for registered Chapter families is access to our classroom displays, art history units, flashcards, memory work copy work, maps, history card images (for timelines and lapbooks), and memory work hand motions.

We offer a private, one-stop gathering place for communication and information, called Basecamp. It includes a message board for important CSH related posts, a campfire for prayer support and non-CSH related topics, a place to easily access documents and to share photos and highlights. Messages can be sent to email or you can use the Basecamp App on your phone or device for instant updates. 

Chapter families are able to take advantage of bulk ordering for Catholic Schoolhouse materials during the summer where shipping is waived and the materials are discounted. 

Because we are a Catholic community, we like to celebrate! With a little fun during our class day and extra activities at lunch afterwards, we celebrate All Saints Day with dressing as a saint, Saint Valentine’s Day with class card exchanges, and Ss. Patrick and Joseph’s Days with dressing in green.

Outside of classes, we enjoy our social time at lunch after classes each week, our quarterly field trips, our Semester Showcases (see tab above), the saint parties noted above, and our End of the Year Virtue Recognition and Incentive Awards.

On the national level, Catholic Schoolhouse provides its registered families with the following perks:

  • $20 Homeschool Legal Defense Association Membership Discount (HSLDA.org)
  • Free membership in Formed.org with access to amazing Catholic resources for all ages
  • Office Depot discount purchasing program – the discounts available vary by product, from 5% to as high as 55%, and is available at either Office Depot of Office Max. There are no restrictions on the discount from Office Depot or Catholic Schoolhouse – you may use it for your home school, home business, or personal use while a CSH member.
  • SCRIP fundraising program that is available to churches, schools, and other non-profits – there is no door to door selling or asking for donations. Simply by purchasing electronic gift cards through your smart phone or computer via SCRIP for retailers, restaurants, hotels, rental cars, and airlines, you earn money to offset your Catholic Schoolhouse tuition costs or to donate to other families for theirs.